
tjldxdkjyxgs 2024-04-18 08:01:43


Liu also stressed on strengthening the communication and cooperations between government agencies and learning successful experiences from leading countries of cultural heritages to improve China's abilities in protecting and inheriting cultural relics.


Liu Lang, president of the Beijing Small Animal Veterinary Association and a senior vet for more than 30 years, said as money from the private sector floods into the industry, the country is seeing more and more pet clinics.

Listing closer to home has been a long-time dream of billionaire Alibaba co-founder Jack Ma's. A successful Hong Kong share sale could help finance a costly war of subsidies with Meituan Dianping in food delivery and travel, and divert investor cash from rivals like Meituan and WeChat operator Tencent. It will also be a feather in the cap for Zhang, who took over as chairman from Ma in September. The former accountant is now spearheading the company's expansion beyond Asia but also into adjacent markets from cloud computing to entertainment, logistics and physical retail.


Liu Ping, chief engineer of the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Economy and Informatization, said that 140 industrial projects were set up in Lingang in the past year, with the total investment amounting to 200 billion yuan. By 2022, high-end manufacturing will be a highlight of Lingang, especially industrial internet, smart manufacturing and unmanned factories.

Liu said that the company wants to ensure 50 percent of its profits come from outside China within 10 years.

Linking many developing countries in Asia, North Africa, Oceania and Central and Eastern Europe, the initiative is already considered an important vehicle for South-South Cooperation.


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Liu said the country needs to deepen economic reforms with a focus on tackling financing problems for small-to-medium sized private businesses.


Liu Yi, head of the bureau's narcotics control squad, said the fight against drug trafficking has been a serious problem this year.

Lin said the number of high-tech companies setting up in this year is expected to exceed 2,000.

声明:资讯来源于网络,属作者个人观点,仅供参考。 投诉
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