
shtcshyu 2024-04-28 11:28:00


Last year, BOE applied for over 9,000 patents, of which more than 80 percent were for inventions. The company has invested more than 6 percent of its annual revenue in R&D in recent years.


Last December, Cainiao entered an agreement with Liege Airport to build a world-class smart logistics hub at the airport, which is expected to open in early 2021. It also launched an intercontinental cargo flight between Hangzhou and Liege to ensure fast delivery of goods in 2018.

Last month, two officials of Haixi prefecture, Liang Yanguo and Li Yongping, were removed from their posts for alleged dereliction of supervision duty on illicit mining in Muli coal field in Qilian Mountains.


Last week, Los Angeles authorities charged Tyndall with 29 felony counts in the cases of 16 women who went to the campus health center for examinations and treatment from 2009 to 2016, authorities said.

Last year, the Port of Singapore Authority was extensively upgraded by the group, while it also bought the Piraeus Port Authority in Greece and invested in the Euromax Terminal Rotterdam in the Netherlands.

Last week the White House proposed a .8 trillion stimulus package to help Americans struggling with the economic ravages of the coronavirus pandemic, but Pelosi said the offer fell short in a range of areas and stuck to her demand for .2 trillion in aid.


Last year, the Ministry of Commerce and 29 government departments issued several cooperation memorandums respectively on joint punishment of seriously dishonest and lawbreaking entities in the fields of domestic trade circulation, housekeeping services, and foreign economic cooperation, to establish the mechanism of punishing the discredited and rewarding the honest.

Lanotte added: "They’ve been working very long hours. On average I’ve heard back from them it’s 7 am until 1 am, phones are ringing from families in need on a regular basis. Some (businesses) have already gotten close to their normal year’s worth of (funerals) they would serve in the last three weeks."


Last but not least, while many investment bets are overseas, they actually eye domestic markets.

Last year during Golden Week, Chinese tourists spent 29 million pounds ( million) in the UK, according to data from payments processor Worldpay.

声明:资讯来源于网络,属作者个人观点,仅供参考。 投诉
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